internet literature

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Zeitgeist by J.Byrne

It's a story about salsa, but it is only zeitgeist peering back at me
Z on my hand, reminding me to include zeitgeist in an article, any
What is zeitgeist? What is salsa?
Can I do it? Can you do it?
In a day or two or seven, zeitgeist will be surrounded by friends
Suitcase, peppers, success, burrito and father will be at the party
How about parsnips? How about culinary?
What about you, zeitgeist? Will you survive?


losloseeboy said...

I like this.

It might not be about this: but it makes me think about people paying to take dance lessons past 18 year old.

After all, dancing is innate.

Unknown said...

haha, it's basically about work and writing articles.

i heard the titular word and wanted to use it in an article. so, in the file right now, that's the only word on the entire sheet.

i fear though, that in the end, it will be gone.