internet literature

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Perception Is How You See the World by Bryan Byrne

Perception is how you see the world.

Your life is what you make it.

You alone are the key to reality, and no one else can take it.

Time is only an illusion, which causes pain and confusion.

Money is what most of us see as the only solution.

It causes such grief, it causes such pain.

People will slice your throat for a monetary gain.

Religion is only a tool to distract the masses, to blind you from the truth like opaque sun-glasses.

Politics is only rhetoric spoken by a priviledged few, who think they know this world better than you.

Unconditional love is the only thing which is true.

Everything else on this planet is disoriented and scewed.

What we have done to the earth will eventually take it's toll.

In the future this will all be about as coherent as a black hole.

But I am me, this is mine, and I am going to make this what I want.

Like a wise person once said

"Narcotics cannot still the tooth that nibbles at the soul".

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