internet literature

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

the world pines without your poetry

i want to

who's impatient for that conversation to dissolve?

i don't know. i don't... it's my, i was, my, my

my thumb crashed that car, but not a soul was hurt.

so, i'm telling you, the arch in the financial district
has bats - it has them!

they are there! what's not getting through your drunken skull?

okay, okay, darkness for one thing, the marine corps, and then the way coast guard buzzed by...

but SO WHAT?

listen! ten dollars today, fifteen on saturday, and then after the $300 on sunday
we'll both be roller coaster operators.

you don't know him. 

he's not going to tell you anything you're uncomfortable with.
you just sleep together, get it over with, have a fun night. 

talk to your friends, plan, get dressed, call him once you've had a few drinks.

in ten minutes a chinese man will explode all over your front door.

and that's fine, you know what? that's cool. the worst is over. it's going to work out. 

you know, haha? 

you just know, right?

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