internet literature

Thursday, May 29, 2008

size part I

Part I
Single Cell or Protist

amoeba: oozes a pseudopod into an unknown direction, senses something harmful, retracts, then oozes a pseudopod in a different direction; finds a bountiful living space with food.

paramecium: propels forward it's directional tubular body with paddling cilia, rams something inedible, hot, cold, or harmful, reverses; finds a bountiful living space with food or dies.

Protist Colony or Many-Celled
volvox: propelled by flagellum, tails that whip, 'sees' with light sensitive cells at the front of the 'colony ball', made of different cells - all connected by a protoplasmic thread - from the back of the 'colony-ball', which have longer steering flagellum; only reproduces by individual cell mitosis and only consumes by individual cell permeability, which are of several different types, but finds bountiful living space by use of 'seeing' cells co-operating/co-dependence with propelling cells.

Larger Protist Types
hypothetical paramecium: same as paramecium, but made of organelles which are similar to single cells; compared to volvox are more like a many-celled organism because the cells are all different but refer to one 'overhead' nucleus, like a brain.

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